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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


Bootstrap sets basic global display, typography, and link styles. Specifically, we:

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These styles can be found within scaffolding.less.


With Bootstrap 2, the old reset block has been dropped in favor of その日まで健康で幸せでありますように祈りながら過ごします」 ・PENTAGON エドゥン, a project by 千葉 北 マルハン that also powers the 貞子 3d. While we use much of Normalize within our reset.less, we have removed some elements specifically for Bootstrap.


The default Bootstrap grid system utilizes 12 columns, making for a 940px wide container without ウェンディーズ ファースト キッチン enabled. With the responsive CSS file added, the grid adapts to be 724px and 1170px wide depending on your viewport. Below 767px viewports, the columns become fluid and stack vertically.

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<div class="row">
  <div class="span4">...</div>
  <div class="span8">...</div>

Given this example, we have .span4 and .span8, making for 12 total columns and a complete row.

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3 offset 1
6 offset 3
<div class="row">
  <div class="span4">...</div>
  <div class="span3 offset2">...</div>

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To nest your content with the default grid, add a new .row and set of .span* columns within an existing .span* column. Nested rows should include a set of columns that add up to the number of columns of its parent.

Level 1 column
Level 2
<div class="row">
  <div class="span9">
    Level 1 column
    <div class="row">
      <div class="span6">Level 2</div>
      <div class="span3">Level 2</div>


The fluid grid system uses percents instead of pixels for column widths. It has the same responsive capabilities as our fixed grid system, ensuring proper proportions for key screen resolutions and devices.

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<div class="row-fluid">
  <div class="span4">...</div>
  <div class="span8">...</div>


Operates the same way as the fixed grid system offsetting: add .offset* to any column to offset by that many columns.

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3 offset 3
6 offset 6
<div class="row-fluid">
  <div class="span4">...</div>
  <div class="span4 offset2">...</div>


Nesting with fluid grids is a bit different: the number of nested columns should not match the parent's number of columns. Instead, each level of nested columns are reset because each row takes up 100% of the parent column.

Fluid 12
Fluid 6
<div class="row-fluid">
  <div class="span12">
    Fluid 12
    <div class="row-fluid">
      <div class="span6">Fluid 6</div>
      <div class="span6">Fluid 6</div>

comstore?u=NA2200719 【サガミグループについて】 当グループビジョンは「No

Provides a common fixed-width (and optionally responsive) layout with only <div class="container"> required.

  <div class="container">


Create a fluid, two-column page with <div class="container-fluid">—great for applications and docs.

<div class="container-fluid">
  <div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="span2">
      <!--Sidebar content-->
    <div class="span10">
      <!--Body content-->


Turn on responsive CSS in your project by including the proper meta tag and additional stylesheet within the <head> of your document. If you've compiled Bootstrap from the Customize page, you need only include the meta tag.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link href="assets/css/bootstrap-responsive.css" rel="stylesheet">

ダイヤモンド カジノ 強盗 Bootstrap doesn't include responsive features by default at this time as not everything needs to be responsive. Instead of encouraging developers to remove this feature, we figure it best to enable it as needed.

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Responsive devices


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Label Layout width Column width Gutter width
Large display 1200px and up 70px 30px
Default 980px and up 60px 20px
Portrait tablets 768px and above 42px 20px
Phones to tablets 767px and below Fluid columns, no fixed widths
Phones 480px and below Fluid columns, no fixed widths
/* Large desktop */
@media (min-width: 1200px) { ... }

/* Portrait tablet to landscape and desktop */
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) { ... }

/* Landscape phone to portrait tablet */
@media (max-width: 767px) { ... }

/* Landscape phones and down */
@media (max-width: 480px) { ... }


For faster mobile-friendly development, use these utility classes for showing and hiding content by device. Below is a table of the available classes and their effect on a given media query layout (labeled by device). They can be found in responsive.less.

Class Phones 767px and below Tablets 979px to 768px Desktops Default
.visible-phone Visible
.visible-tablet Visible
.visible-desktop Visible
.hidden-phone Visible Visible
.hidden-tablet Visible Visible
.hidden-desktop Visible Visible

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